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1986-1988 vintage chanel blacklamb leather half moon double flap chain bag



齊配件0字頭 1986-1988 flap i比店主年紀大vintage cc極美品🔥全齊罕有Keep到有卡有貼有塵袋仲要有盒 接近30幾年盒係同個袋對Number的非常難得極珍貴 前日已經賣出一個full set 想要full set的話珍惜機會 狀態極好😻肯定好過我 🤣條鏈夠長可以斜咩❤️側咩都冇問題 24800 極美品 1986-1988年 vintage chanel blacklamb leather half moon double flap chain bag 配件:卡/貼/塵袋/盒/原裝鏈 狀態:袋外95新/內95新 Dimensions:22x15.5x5cm $24800 This is a complete set with all accessories, including the card, sticker, dust bag, and box. The box and dust bag have matching numbers, which is extremely rare and precious. I sold one full set just a couple of days ago, so if you're looking for a full set, this is a great opportunity. The condition is excellent definitely better than mine! 😂 The chain is long enough to wear crossbody or on the side without any issues. Extremely beautiful item 1986-1988 vintage Chanel black lamb leather half moon double flap chain bag Accessories:card/sticker/dust bag/box/original chain Condition:very good outside / very good inside Dimensions22 x 15.5 x 5 cm Hkd 24800 /USD 3190 ❤️本店為香港零售管理協會會員/門市已開業8年連續多年正版正貨商戶2024編號 2538 付款方法:VISA / MASTER / AE / 銀聯 / UNION PAY /現金 /alipay ❤️另提供 AE 信用卡12個月免息分期 /恆生信用卡12個月免息分期/hsbc 12個月免息分期/渣打12個月免息分期 📢本店只出售正版貨📢 ❤️歡迎親臨銅鑼灣門市😍 ❤️ 本門市已搬到銅鑼灣記利佐治街2-10號銅鑼灣地帶2樓237號鋪 Shop 237, 2/f, causeway place, 2 great george street, causeway bay 門市電話:27808868 WhatsApp :📞65230308
