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vintage prada black messenger bag



抵玩vintage prada black messenger bag 新款已經跟住Vintage款復刻翻 超平好裝放到好多野又輕 男女都啱用 超平2888帶走🔥 vintage prada black messenger bag 配件:none 狀態:袋外除了袋旁邊皮夾位置有使用痕跡外其餘位置90新/袋外拉鍊頭皮革位置已更換 /袋內95新 Dimensions:26x18x8 2888 🇯🇵vintage Prada black messenger bag! The new model has been reissued based on the vintage design. It's super affordable, spacious, and lightweight perfect for carrying a lot of items. Suitable for men or women. Grab it for only 2888hkd/320USD vintage prada black messenger bag Accessories :none Condition :Exterior of the bag - There are signs of use near the bag area. - The rest of the exterior is in really good condition. - The leather part of the zipper pull has been replaced. Interior of the bag - In very good condition Dimensions:21x11x6 2888 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 BLACK VINTAGE 本店只售現貨全實物拍攝Our store only sells in-stock items, with all products photographed directly 詳情可到shop now👇www.blackvintagehk.com ❤️whatsapp 📞65230308 📍銅鑼灣記利佐治街2-10號銅鑼灣地帶2樓237號鋪 Shop 237, 2/f, causeway place, 2 great george street, causeway bay
