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極美品 vintage coach british tan color backpack



我哋好似會入Coach 但呢個皮同british tan color 實在太靚🤭上常年90年代美國製造backpack 而家嗰啲已經係國產啦 上常年皮革真係非常靚 30幾年嚟講真係非常新淨 有吊牌仔仲有當年啲書仔入邊係講緊歷史可以買返屋企慢慢睇🤣 2200帶走呢個咁特別又有歷史的美品 😍 極美品 vintage coach british tan color backpack 配件:booklet /tag 年份:90s Made in UsA 狀態:外觀95新/内95新 Dimensions: $2200 this leather in British tan color is just so beautiful! 🤭 It's a vintage 90s American made backpack. The current ones are all made in china. This leather is really stunning even for being over 30 years old, it’s still in excellent condition. It even comes with the tags and a booklet from back in the day that talks about its history, so you can take it home and read it slowly. 🤣 $2200hkd for such a special piece with history! 😍 - Stunning vintage Coach British tan color backpack - Accessories: booklet/tag - Year: 90s - Made in USA - Condition: exterior very good / interior very good - Dimensions: - Price 2200hkd ❤️本店為香港零售管理協會會員/門市已開業8年連續多年正版正貨商戶2024編號 2538 付款方法:VISA / MASTER / AE / 銀聯 / UNION PAY /現金 /alipay ❤️另提供 AE 信用卡12個月免息分期 /恆生信用卡12個月免息分期/hsbc 12個月免息分期/渣打12個月免息分期 📢本店只出售正版貨📢 ❤️歡迎親臨銅鑼灣門市😍 ❤️ 本門市已搬到銅鑼灣記利佐治街2-10號銅鑼灣地帶2樓237號鋪 Shop 237, 2/f, causeway place, 2 great george street, causeway bay 門市電話:27808868 WhatsApp :📞65230308
